Ibu Aeez.
Ibu merupakan seorang insan pertama yang hadir dalam hidup Aeez, sebelum Aeez mula berjalan, bercakap, menyanyi dan kenal akan dunia, adanya insan disisi yang digelar ibu.
Insan ini lah yang menjadi telinga untuk Aeez. Kenapa? Kerana insan ini lah yang menjadi tempat Aeez untuk berceloteh dan bertanya pendapat. Insan ini lah yang mendengar dengan setianya tanpa mengeluh.
Insan ini lah yang menjadi sahabat kepada Aeez. Kenapa? Kerana insan inilah yang menjadi rakan bergurau senda, bercerita masalah dan rakan nyanyian. Tidak pernah sekali pun Aeez rasa sunyi bila berada bersama insan ini kerana ada sahaja topik yang diceritakan.
Insan ini lah yang menjadi guru kepada Aeez. Kenapa? Kerana insan ini lah yang mengajar Aeez, apa itu dunia, apa itu ertinya cinta dan apa itu ertinya sayang. Kasih sayang yang tidak pernah putus dicurahkan kepada Aeez sejak azali.
Insan ini lah yang menjadi adiwira kepada Aeez. Kenapa? Kerana insan ini tidak pernah kenal erti lelah, penat dan sakit. Biarlah dia kelaparan, biarlah dia tidak tidur dan biarlah dia menanggung sakit asal kan, anak-anaknya selesa, kenyang dan cukup segalanya.
Kini, insan yang Aeez ceritakan ini sudah mencecah 60 tahun usianya. Selamat Hari Lahir buat insan yang digelar Ibu. Terima kasih untuk segalanya.
Memory Lane
Now let's get serious back aa...
Hello mom, to sum up, what I really wanna say is that I'm so sorry for all the wrongdoings I have done. I'm so sorry that I could not take away the pain you felt when "ayah" passed away and I'm so sorry that I could not take the pain away when you lost "atok". You are definitely a strong woman. A woman that I will always look up to. You are the definition of perfection itself, you are perfect in every way. you have been a great mom, grandmother, wife, and daughter.
I wish that I have the power to stop time so that I could just cherish this moment with you, and if I could, I want to stay with you forever, I couldn't imagine you leaving us because you're the sunshine of our family. However, the pain that hurts the most is seeing your age every day, knowing that one day you'll leave us too. I am not ready for that day and I hope it would not happen T^T.
Thank you so much for everything. There are no actual words that can fully describe how thankful I am and how lucky I am to have you as my mom. Thank you for always being my number 1 supporter. Thank you for having my back. Thank you for staying with me since day 1. Thank you for showering me with tons of love and lastly, thank you so much for accepting me as your child even though I might be a pain in the a** sometimes... errr maybe all the time hahaha...
I miss all the moments we created together, I still remember the time where I will always wake up at 2/3 in the morning just to go and sleep with you. I still remember how you always make me my favourite fried rice when I got back from school. I still remember how I would always ask you random stupid questions. I still remember how I used to follow you wherever you go. I still remember how I will accompany you to deliver your items and I will always remember the countless journey of hunting food together.
I know sometimes you think that I don't love you enough and I don't appreciate you enough since I don't say it a lot and I'm not good at portraying them but please know that from the bottom of my heart, I will always love you and will never stop loving you. I just wanna say that I love you so much that I can not imagine my life without you, I will always keep you in my du'as, that you will always be in great health, and also may you live a long and prosperous life.
You're finally 60 omg yet you still look like 40 (at least to me lah Idk bout others hehehe). Aeez sayang ibu, mwah <3
Happy Birthday, Ibu!!!! Saengil Chukhahae Eomma! Neomu Saranghae <3
dulu ibu selalu tulis blog pasal owang kan, now its my turn to tulis blog about you pulak mwahahaha
p/s i also promise you that I will be more rajin and berguna hehe mwah :*
To: Ibu yang ku cinta sayang mwah cikeboom lehtop
From: Anak korean bongsu paling comel baik dan soleh.